Customised industrial refrigeration
With eighty years of experience, we design and manufacture tailor-made refrigeration systems for every product and every space. Do you need process cooling, a fully automated refrigeration or freezing system, or do you need to cool your production, workshop or storage areas? We ensure that your refrigeration systems fit seamlessly into your production cycle and operation. If customised refrigeration is not required, we can offer you a standard refrigeration or freezer cell, tunnel, chiller or blast chiller.
Cooling with natural refrigerants
We use natural refrigerants in our high-quality refrigeration technology. These refrigerants are more environmentally friendly because they are highly energy efficient and have no global warming potential. Cooling with natural refrigerants helps you comply with the energy transition and legislation. And you can do it for years without a care in the world. Are you still using synthetic refrigerants? We can support you in considering removing it and finding a more environmentally friendly alternative to bringing your system into compliance with the European F-Gas Regulation.

Je bedrijfsvoering veiligstellen? Benut de mogelijkheden om synthetische koudemiddelen uit te faseren.
Request a free information brochureEnergy efficient refrigeration
Our starting point is to design a refrigeration system that consumes as little energy as possible. We use the latest technology in compressors, condensers, evaporators and controls. However, there are other ways to reduce energy consumption. In addition to using solar panels, an industrial heat pump can capture and reuse the heat exuded by cooling. The main priority of our design is to find an optimal balance between capacity, energy consumption, maintenance, hygiene, safety and return on investment.
Service and maintenance
In our workshop, we prepare your refrigeration and freezer installation or skid as comprehensively as possible. This way, we save time during your site installation, avoiding unnecessary production losses. We keep your refrigeration system in top condition with efficient, professional maintenance. Is there a breakdown or other disaster? We are always there for you.

Reduce energy consumption? Use residual heat to meet your heating needs.
Request a free information brochureCentral control
You can control your entire system from a single panel. Equans has developed this central control with in-house PLC technology. The panel provides a schematic view of all rooms and installations. It gives an overview of the operating status of all components, providing temperatures, whether the installation is cooling, heating, drying or humidifying, and what the energy consumption is.
The intelligent controller regulates the temperature, relative humidity and CO₂ levels in the rooms by controlling fans, cooling, heating, air intake or exhaust, lighting and shutters. It allows you to change the settings at any time and to the nearest decimal. Need to change products in your warehouse or on your production line? At the touch of a button you can switch to the appropriate settings for that product, locally or remotely via a smartphone, tablet or PC.

Are you curious about how our refrigeration technology works in practice every day? Then read the Heemskerk fresh & easy case study. For this customer, we replaced the old refrigeration system with a more modern and economical one. This resulted in double the cooling capacity and lower energy costs.