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“8 opportunities for sustainable potato storage”

The 8 steps to sustainable potato storage

"What are the biggest possibilities for making potato storage more sustainable?" Equans Refrigeration, the specialist in refrigeration services and partner of the so-called Boerenbusiness Crop Tour, sums up the opportunities.
Potato storage

Different developments call for more sustainable methods

“Various developments require more sustainable methods of potato storage. The European Union has adopted legislation to cut back on synthetic refrigerants by phasing out the production of these substances and even making them illegal in the long term. Besides that, both the market and the government is placing increasingly higher demands on the sustainability of production processes. Sustainable production is no longer an exception, but rather the rule.”

  1. Get started with mechanical cooling
  2. Use natural refrigerants
  3. Create more marketable products
  4. Respond to climate change
  5. Reduce your gas and energy consumption
  6. Install solar panels
  7. Use tax schemes
  8. Take advantage of attractive financing possibilities
Article in online magazine

Sustainable potato storage

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